Cutting da Girse

It was pouring down first thing, but eased off by 8am, remained cloudy.  By lunchtime, the sun came out for the afternoon.  More showers this evening, flat calm though. 

Last early shift of the week.  It was a busy morning in the airport, all flights full.  Glasgow was full of football supporters heading to the match tomorrow.  A quieter afternoon, until the 4pm flight. Popped by Laura's to fetch Sammy, and a cuppa.  Eve left on the ferry tonight. Been to Lerwick for errands, and then walkies after.  Might pop out to see friends later.  

I nipped by Jonny and Ruth's after work, only Ruth, Isaiah and Lena home.  It was great to catchup.  As we sat yapping, I spied some activity next door.  Maurice (Sutherland) was out cutting the grass.  It's coming to the end of the grass cutting season, but after today's rain, there could easily be another cut needed nearer the end of the month.  Taken from Jonny's, Bigton, with Ireland in the distance.  

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