Poosie Nansies Inn

A poor start to the day, dull and showers.  It brightened in the afternoon, with sunshine and a sunny evening.  A tad breezy in places.

Up early, and headed out after breakfast.  The showers ruined most plans for today, but made the most of it.  First stop, Cambusnethan House, a derelict old mansion near Glasgow.   Sat Nav played up, or we missed the odd turn off, and ended up heading down towards Ayr again.  Explored a few villages along the way.  Last night in the cottage, so a final pint with the new friends from the local bar, but a early night. 

After being at Robbie Burns birthplace house and museum earlier in the week, I was surprised to accidentally come across his home and local haunts in another village.  His home was just around the corner from this pub, which he frequented, and gave inspiration to The Jolly Beggars.  Sadly I didn't go inside for a dram, but will have to keep a look out for it again in the future.  Taken at Poosie Nansies Inn, Mauchline. 

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