Bean counters

The chickpeas are finally podded. Was disappointed with the tally but then it’s been a shitter of a year. Cold spring and then into screaming heat and drought.

Average global yields are 85g per M square so probably not far off that. Chickpeas are 40% protein by weight and full of good stuff so any amount should bring a little contentment. India is the biggest producer, although of a different type of chickpea to the Euro Kabuli variety. Australia next.

There are lots more borlottis to come but that’s pretty much it for the cannellini although there are lots of plants left but with sod all beans on them. Not sure why. They are temperamental.

Dug up some spuds today. Given the dry and no irrigation it’s nae bad. Some have gone a bit flaccid and mice have been at them. Still - this truckle (?) is maybe a tenth of them (extra).

Listening to Audible Waverly novel by Sir Walt Scott. 15 hours so it’s good value (?). I’m actually enjoying it. A very circumulatory way of writing but it has a certain elan and sardonic chuckle ness. And acutely observed looking back from early 19th century to the last Jacobite rising in 1745.

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