Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Ornagey the butterfly....

What a really lovely day,one of those that is all easy going and no pressure...
Lucy broke up from school yesterday and Eve was still in school so Lucy and I woke up and sort of steadily got ready and meandered to M&S to buy some snacks and then we popped off to the Butterfly farm in town.It was lovely,there was only us and some grouchy old fella who seemed to think he should have the place to himself,we soon saw him off ;)
It's not a huge place but we spent an hour taking photo's and looking for the giant iguana who has lived there for years and roams free,we found him jolly high up keeping an eye on us.
Then Lucy spent £2.35 on a 'growing dolphin' ... you couldn't make it up could you.

Popped to the deli as Lucy fancied stilton and olives for lunch.....then we picked Jake up so Zoe could start painting her kitchen.
Romped at home,did a little bit of house work whilst Lucy and Jake threw cars all over the place.

Jake home and I dispatched Mr W to get pudding for this evening as DDLC and Mr Fry were here as it was the Fry's birthday ..... we had a Indian takeaway and then Cremé bruleé AND profiteroles.......
THEN my friend Marty Feldmans Love child arrived at 10pm after driving through a blizzard to get here,although we have NO snow at all....

All in all a grand day................................ oh and Mr W purchased me a new charm for my Pandora bracelet,because I told him to.

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