Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Tourist stuff in town....

With Ninja pants..
we first drove out to Mary Ardens house in Wilmcote ... took some photo's of NOT Mary Ardens house as it was discovered that in fact the house that was called Mary Ardens was in fact Palmers Farm and MA's house was the 'shed' behind it..... oh how we laughed.
Then we went to Wilmcote church where by sheer accident I made a lady cry being nice to her,and it transpired her son was buried there.She stopped crying in time to take our photo together.
Then we hot footed (drove back to my house) it back for Mr W to drive us into town so we did not have to pay EXTORTIONATE parking prices.
We went to Holy Trinity church and Ninja paid for us to look at Shakespeares grave,which I have seen loads of times before so I wandered about moaning.
Then we walked along the river past the RSC and went to meet this lovely chap and fellow Stratford blipper Frank .. what a great time we had,not so sure Frank will ever be the same mind... he watched us scoff cake and actually DECLINED me buying him some.... next time I may force some upon him ;) we then frog marched poor Frank to Shakespeare's birthplace (in case he does not see it enough) and did some poncing about .. we then returned Frank to his wife Ann and left him looking fairly shell shocked.I know where he lives.

I developed the most awful migraine throughout the afternoon which I think is a result of Ninja not buying me a necklace I wanted... and she was wearing her's today.

I sent that woman home,then had a lie down.....

Set off for a dog walk tonight with Tit's after my drugs kicked in,and we were semi attacked by a little dog who ran out of a garden and went for Marley dog........... we all just stood still,even our pooches,the little dog then got a bit 'happier' and whilst it was sniffing a pile of dog poo we made haste............. at one point I screeched... LOU,IT'S FOLLOWING US... and it wasn't I just wanted to make her yell :D

p.s this is the fountain on Bancroft gardens,just by the theatre........
not long after it was installed some cheeky scamp poured a litre or 12 of bubble bath into it ... how how we laughed .......................

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