
By Mindseye

what does DOB mean…..

……well, in this case, its short for Doberman, a big soft brown one, called Kobi, as you can see here. 
This is part of sis’s personalised number plate. 

Slept much better last night, still felt a bit down when I woke,  but as the day has unfolded Ive felt a bit lighter and brighter.  

Got ready, then got changed again, put a jumper on, as it felt decidedly chilly!  Fruity breakfast and then checked my phone. Had a few whatsapp exchanges with daughter before going over to see sis. 

We enjoyed a nice lunch, did a bit of shopping, got back to hers,  then took Kobi out, which is when I spotted my blip for today. Sis made a lovely homemade fish and chips with not so mushy peas, an in joke lol, some of them were like bullets :-) 

Drove home, after an altercation with two bleeps
in a blacked out audi driving very aggressively like lunatics! That sort of behaviour makes me see red, brings out the worst in me, am stubborn and wont be intimidated…..he didnt like that!!  I know hub would have disapproved :-/ 

Anyhow home in one piece lol, shopping away, got changed , then noticed one of my earrings was missing :-( Its a silver pair that hub bought me so am miffed…..have messaged sis to check around at hers and I will check my car in the 
morning…..hopefully we will find it fingers crossed. 

Cant’t believe its September tomorrow…….and almost 5 months, feels more like 5 years :-( 

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