Garden attack

Bank Holiday Monday 30th August

After a lie in I went out to do some gardening. After mowing the lawn I started on the front garden. Well, I had done a little bit the other week. 2.5hrs later I had filled both green bins as much as I could. The bushes had all got overgrown and were fighting each other so I thinned them out a bit. I also tackled the heather that had been crawling out all over the driveway. I started it the other week but hadn't got far. I didn't realise what job I was taking on! 

I suddenly realised that it really warranted a before and after shot, so the extra is just after I had started. I also managed to harvest some blackberries. 

All the time I was working there I had the company of a young blackbird. It wasn't at all bothered by me and kept walking around me feet. I think it was enjoying the bugs I was uncovering. It was very friendly. 

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