
It's starting to cool off a little and the air quality is improving. I hope this means that the fires north of us are getting under control, but it probably just means the wind has changed. It's a good thing we got Spike out for a walk because it's been a very slow day for him ever since.

Jim came over and, having switched us to YouTube tv, began removing all the heavy, old obsolete speakers, tuners , receivers and cords, miles and miles of cords emanating through the back of the cabinet* that are no longer required. 

We had an unwieldy remote control that had to be kept charged and required a visit from the tech guy every time a new piece of equipment, such as a DVR player was added. We also had a drawer full of other remotes, some for equipment we no longer have. We are now down to one little remote that is smaller than a cell phone.There is only one item left in the cabinet which is our wifi modem and could go anywhere. Oh and a shocking amount of dust and soot...yes soot. We are still finding pockets of the greasy black stuff in remote corners.

We'll have to figure out what to fill the cabinet up with now. Nature abhors a vacuum.

I'm cooking Sunday night dinner tonight...Persian chicken with lentils and rice. We think Jim deserves a break.

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