
I had a rare day, today.

I have been wondering recently about my next college assignment, the one for the second (and concluding) part of the course. Given the variety of things that we've done, I don't think I could cram everything into a single track, so I'd already decided I'd do a suite of shortish pieces.

I wanted to have a theme to bind the music together, and I'd half-decided that I'd do something quite straightforward, so that the emphasis was on the sound and composition, and not the narrative. In fact, I'd pretty much settled on the idea of starting with an evening and having each piece represent the steps until dawn: falling asleep, REM, etc*.

At some point, I'd started thinking what the opening track might be: perhaps it might involve the sounds of a restaurant or a party, i.e. the bit before going to bed, but that's as far as I'd got.

Then this morning I suddenly had an idea for the party and how it might involve meeting members of Kraftwerk in the early seventies. I made a coffee and started writing. I did some yoga and some weights, and wrote a bit more, and carried on thinking about it as I drove to Salford, where I wrote a bit more.

I finished it this evening, in the garden. (If you're interested, you can read it here.) So now I have a story for my music!

*Going to the loo, worrying about insomnia, being too hot, and so on.

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