Stocks Reservoir

After spending the morning in the office and most of the afternoon in school, I was keen to get out and stretch my legs this evening. And I had as much time as I wanted because Dan, Abi, and the miniMInx are at Solfest, Leeds, and Creamfields*, respectively, and the Minx is in Salford.

Thus, I opted to drive down to Stocks Reservoir and do the seven mile run around there. Despite it being a lovely evening, I found I was the only one in the car park and, indeed, I didn't see anyone else on my way around, apart from lots of sheep (fine) and some cows in a field that I needed to cross** (boo!).

I was going to use my Extra as today's Blip but in the end I swapped them 'round, as this photo of the old railway line better captures the joy of running in such a beautiful location on a summer's evening.

*Truly, this is the superspreader weekend. Festivals everywhere and a sunny bank holiday weekend. And the number of cases is already twenty-six times higher than it was a year ago. The government, of course, is saying nothing. And schools re-open next week.

**I have completely lost the confidence to run through a field of cows now, and I simply walked around the edge, still having to go through the periphery of the herd, which contained some calves. Fortunately, I didn't receive any more attention than a few apathetic glances and a couple of calves trotted out of my way.

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