All things me

By KatiePie


This young man has been hard work this week.
Sometimes it's hard to know if its my awful parenting or just how it's going to be.
I do understand a lot of his foibles. It doesn't stop me being worn out by them. I mean, he's 5. He knows he has to go to school, he knows he needs shoes onto get there. There's no reason for him to turn it into a fight with me every day. Even when I'm being as "reasonable" as I can.
He still giggles when tickled tho. Like a little person. Oh I'll miss those baby giggles when they go. He may be trying but I adore that boy.

In other news, I'm still flipping ill. It's boring the life out of me. I'm just so pathetic! I get a little flash of my former self every now and then but essentially nearly 3 weeks of general, varied bleurgh is hacking me off.
Now I have a hacking cough to match.
And my voice has nearly gone.
Lucky kids.

I took the dog for a 5k walk with a friend today. Along the river (mud, mud, mud and more mud), coffee in a pub, then back along the canal (less mud).
It was bracing to say the least! Nice tho.

Right, I have an evening of curry leftovers from the freezer and Night Nurse ahead of me.
Rock AND Roll :)

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