
By NellieD

The scene from my office is one I have blipped a couple of times before. Since no-one was expected today I thought I might as well work from the office instead of sitting amongst the rubble. Running water and access to a toilet was a welcome change!

I had posted something on LinkedIn about how supported I have been by my boss, and the company more generally. He had read it as he was walking into the office this morning and said he didn't know how to respond. I think I embarrassed him! I have never had such a fantastic working relationship with a boss before and being treated as his equal, not 'just admin', is a wonderfully empowering position to be in. I can read his mind and anticipate everything he needs before he has to ask for it and I have the trust to speak and act on his behalf wherever I see fit. I didn't leave the office tonight till 7 pm as we were sat talking.

It's been nice not to be at the house today, it's almost like nothing has happened there!

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