Amazing freedom camp

We had intended driving to a spot near Peebles to have a walk and wild camp but when we drove up past this spot between Lauder and Stow we decided to stop here and have a drove road walk of 4 miles before retiring to our chairs in the sun and read our books. It is just glorious - the bees are buzzing in the heather which smells so
good that I want a honey piece - will make do with a glass of wine before I cook up some pasta with mushrooms foraged on our walk. We are feeling so lucky to have the van - the right decision for us.

Worrying news from across the water. #2 daughter and co are in Ireland for the burying of Phil’s Granny’s ashes. The children were at the occasion and immediately after it Thomas fell to the ground - in a faint, it turned out - but by the time he was responsive daughter was phoning for an ambulance. They had him checked over and he seems ok but she is very upset. Apparently his dad often fainted as a child and they said it was because he was so tall. However he is also type 1 diabetic - I’m sure he knows the signs and will be watching out for Thomas. I just hope this is a one-off and he was holding his breathe and forgot to breathe at the ashes performance!


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