Back to the roses!

A second poor night, not due to dreams, but I woke at 2.15 and didn’t drop off soundly until after 5am. Consequently I’ve been tired all day. 

B had an appointment with the optician this morning, audiology apt this afternoon and a coaching session this evening. So has been in and out all day. I’ve just plodded on with a host of of jobs alongside several loads of washing. 

I’m not sure what has suddenly prompted the action, but I’ve had texts and emails over the last 2 days from an assortment of my sewing groups  who are planning to re-start the sessions. Days and dates have been swapped about and it looks as though they will mostly be packed into Mondays and Tuesdays. It’s a bit of all or nothing. 

I’m way behind on my comments, sorry, will hope to catch up!! 

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