A muddy pond & more RANTINGS!!!

Has anyone else in Scotland read the latest news from Nicola, our 'First Minister'??? Apparently she's considering a 'circuit breaker lock-down' or putting us back into the 'tier system'. Seriously?????

COVID is going to be with us forever. FLU has been with us forever.

Oh and my human has been binge watching 'Downton' and is up to Series 2 when the 'Spanish Flu' hit. And there wasn't the medical knowledge or vaccinations then that there are now........................

Obviously the humans have still got to be careful re getting too close to people and here in Scotland they still have to wear masks indoors. However.................... Life is short!!! My human would far rather die young and enjoy herself than be imprisoned in her home for the rest of her life. …...............Surely we've all been 'locked up for too long?'

Ann's nephew has got COVID. He's holed up in his bedroom, but WHY? He's 24 years old, been doubled vaxed (as have his parents & brother & sister) and apparently he just feels a bit cold and achy. #bitlikefluthen

Even Ann's 21 year old niece has been double vaxed. OK she's in England. England seems to be so much more back to normal than Scotland.

Unfortunately my human hasn't got a clue what the rules are in Scotland any more. In fact she hasn't got a clue what the rules are any where????

But seriously????...................................... life is supposed to be getting back to normal. 'Freedom Day' has been & gone??

Mmmmmm....................... there's still a lot of things in Scotland that are still not back to normal. Ie, my human has been trying to register herself with an NHS Dentist for the last couple of years. Every single dentist that she's phoned have a message on their answer machine that says, 'press one if you have an appointment, press two if it's an emergency, and then the message says, 'we are unable to answer any other enquires at this time.'?????

Oh and my human read that it's going to take the NHS 10 years to catch up with all the missed appointments due to COVID.

People are dying. People with other illnesses have been denied the help they need due to COVID. And yet everything still seems to be centred around COVID.

OK, RANT over.

I went on a really long walk this morning and found a muddy pond that was deep enough to swim in. Lol!!!

Ann went out to do a M&G this afternoon and when she came back she wanted to take me for another little walk.  I was sound asleep but she woke me up and made me trek around the streets for another 20 mins.

.................Sometimes I wish I just had a garden that I could just go out into for toileting purposes??????  But I don't, so I have to go trekking around for 15mins or so every time Ann thinks that I need to go to the toilet. Lol.


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