Two new balls??!!

Look what I found today when I was out on my walks today................... Two more balls. Yay! That brings the total of balls in my toy basket to 25. Yay!! I have more in the car. Yay!

This morning I went out for about 40 mins before breakfast and then later after Ann had caught up with an hour and a half of EastEnders I went out for a one hour and forty min walk. Yay!

I found this brand new orange & blue ball about 10 mins into my walk. Ann said, 'Trixie, that looks like a brand new ball to me. I wonder if the little doggie who has lost it is still around?' Ann scanned the area for any little doggies that might be looking for it but she couldn't see any so I was allowed to keep it. I carried it home for one and a half hours.................

It never ceases to amaze Ann how I can carry a ball for so long. She couldn't carry anything in her mouth for that long!!! And the thing is................. when I've got a ball in my mouth, I'm always in 'perfect pooch' mode. I'm still able to play chase with other doggies, BUT, I never, ever, do any of my silly puppy 'jumping up' at random people. Also, if I am on my lead I walk perfectly if I have a ball in my mouth.

Sooooooooo................... one ball found and I had 'home alone snooze time' while Ann went out to do a 'Meet & Greet'.

Mini RANT coming up..................... Ann was M&Ging near the High Street (Royal Mile) where it is mega busy. It's like nobody has heard of social distancing but tbh that really doesn't bother Ann. What does bother her is the buses???........................ 'Freedom Day' has been and gone and everyone is trying to get back to normal so the buses are pretty much as busy as they would be before the first lock-down. …...............What isn't normal is the number of people who get on a bus and then sit on the aisle seat or sit next to the window but put their bags on the seat next to them. Soooo when the next person who comes onto an already crowded bus; has to ask someone to either move or move their bags??? Ann hasn't got a problem with this but today she witnessed 3 elderly people older than her lol get onto the buses and they were visibly distressed because other people were sitting in the elderly/infirm/disabled spots and seemed unwilling to share their seat. One old lady in particular didn't seem to know what to do because she was obviously very infirm on her feet and 'the fat woman' who was sitting in the elderly/infirm/disabled spot, by the window, with her bag on the seat showed no sign of moving it. So what did Ann do?...................... She got off her seat, at the back off the bus, and said to the 'fat woman', 'Would you mind moving your bag so that this lady can sit down. I'm getting off in a few stops so you can have my seat at the back of the bus if you want to sit by yourself.' Fat women moved her bag, (but not before she'd given Ann the most horrible look ever) and 'elderly woman' sat down and Ann stood for the next few stops glaring at 'Fat Woman'. Lol!!!

…..............And then when Ann got home, I went out for another walk and just look what I found?................... Another ball in the gutter, just 2 mins from home. I picked it up and put it into my toy basket.

Two balls in one day. #howluckyamI

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