Cucumber gin
Eldest son has a friend who runs a trendy bar in East London. He also sends out cocktail pouches and a newsletter. In his latest he talked about infusions - most of which I didn’t like the sound of (olive oil gin?) but this, which is sort of faux Hendricks (don’t sue) is easy and summery. You put the peel of a cucumber in 500ml gin for 4 days, add 2ml rose water and a pinch of salt. It comes up this lovely colour and you mix with tonic for a cucumber G&T. I used Waitrose basic gin - I supposed the main thing is that it’s not too flavoured. Comes out £20 a bottle cheaper than Hendricks!
Lovely day. I watched Jack Thorne’s inspiring MacTaggart speech about disability inclusivity and hoped to be at the Edinburgh TV Festival for real next year.
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