I've been sorting out my jewellery. That sounds a lot grander than it is but I have a few family pieces and no-one but me knows their provenance. Now they are safely back in their boxes with labels attached.
This jade necklace and earrings belonged to my grandmother. Many years after her death her daughter, my lovely auntie, gave them to me. Today would have been Granny's 128th birthday so these bits of her jewellery are the blip. They are probably 1920s pieces.
I never wear the jade. I rarely wear green or any colour which would tone with the necklace. The earrings were originally clip-ons but I had them altered for my pierced ears when they were given to me. They've always irritated and hurt my ears and last about five minutes before I have to take them out. They are lovely to have though and I hope they'll (eventually) be treasured by someone else in the family.
Of my four grandparents I know most about Granny's family. Again thanks to my auntie who did some research before her death. Granny was a nurse. She met her future husband when she nursed him after he was wounded in WW1. A romantic story. Although she was a west of Scotland girl she lived all her married and (long) widowed life in Edinburgh. I'll be returning to the story when family history research grips me again.
What a beautiful dawn this morning. Another hot day to come I think. A busy one too. Wednesday childminding means my granddaughter will be here soon. Once she goes home it'll be yoga then a public Community Council meeting, still online. A busy agenda after the summer break.
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