Green Eye

I think we're leaving to go home to Michigan on Sunday morning. Early. So...I thought I better get out, and get some shots of the shorebirds.

I found the parakeets where I saw them last week. the same spot...a little green heron. Both of them got delegated to the second string...on my FLICKR PAGE. It was nice, because the parakeets were a couple this time...complete with a little bickering.

A small boy (maybe 10) named Parker and I were both captivated by this juvenile Blue Heron. Parker would "coo" at the bird, and then the bird would stare at us. On the other page I put 2 of the staredown poses. Such strange eyes.

We are going to be a tad late for the baby sandhill cranes this year. I sought them out this morning. Mom never leaves the nest, and Dad won't go more than 20 feet away from her. I really enjoyed watching the little ones last year. I yelled at them as I left. "Start fooling around earlier next year! I have to leave now!" No consideration for us tourists.

Feather it into large for a better look at the plumage.

Here is a picture of the baby cranes from last year.CRANES.

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