When you walk

I had a really bad hangover today. 

I had worked hard at work.   Himself picked me up and we went to the allotment where once more we were confounded by tripped mousetraps, and  partial remains.  

The traps are inside netting.  We believe only mice can get in and out - we are finding mice parts, feathers.... sometimes the traps are outside the net.  So confused. 

We came home, ate dinner.  And sat and chilled. 

At 10pm I decided a Jack Daniels would be a nice way to finish the night.  And then another and then another. 

Oh dear god no.  Why did I do this? 

I had a terrible nights sleep...  I was thirsty, I needed the loo, I had a sore head.  Dang. .It was bad. 

It was very rainy when we finally managed to get up.   And we headed to Glasgow.  We had some shoe shopping to do; and some knicker shopping to do.   

We also fell into Waterstones.   

And Paperchase. 

And after 40 minutes I could take no more and we fell into Starbucks.  Where I enjoyed a Coffee Brownie Frozen thing.  Oh god it was good. But I was tired. And weary. 

Then believe it or not, we drove to Ikea, and Stood in a queue outside for 20 minutes in the rain.  We got round there in 30 minutes, and headed home. 

So tired, so weary. 

Don't drink.  It's not worth it.  Look at my face!

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