Beach Clean Up

Today was the school's annual beach clean up and I was one of the parent help for it. This was our haul for the area from the Marina to Hawke Crescent, including those two blue barrels. The good news is that this is probably a third of the size of what has been collected previous years. Hopefully this means people are taking a bit more care.

In other news, our honeymooners have headed up to the Bay of Islands today. They have some lovely things planned up there. It is also Our Lucy's birthday today. So a lovely special time for her.

Both the girls had friends over after school. I had words with one of them as I had been approached by kids, teachers and parents asking how we had found the Youngest. Apparently this little charmer had spread that the reason my girls weren't at school yesterday was because the Youngest was missing and we couldn't let the Eldest away from us. I had let school know that we were having a skiving day off yesterday so it wasn't a big mystery. In the words of the Youngest "none of them needed to know, they should mind their own business!". Quite right!

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