Charlotte the explorer

Spotted peekabob playing in his the other day and was so excited to see charlottes had arrived.
She helped us unpack it and had great fun exploring it, two seconds before leaving for swimming she had total meltdown so we decided not to swim. We played for a while then at around ten she climbed into my lap, thumb in mouth implying she wanted a sleep. I woke her at 11:30, short play then a light lunch. She was still quite clingy, tired etc so around 1:00 we went upstairs thinking she might just chill in her cot, but fast asleep she went. I woke her at 2:00.

She's definitely teething, poor love.

Took her to be weighed - we've reached a huge milestone - 20lb 4! She's 16 months on Tuesday. All her friends hit 20lb months ago.

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