The journey from Balerno to Crail was one of those that was slower and slower the closer to the destination! It was the opposite on the way back. So tedious getting out of Fife!
It was a lovely day in the Kingdom of Fife, quite different to what we were expecting. First stop was the Gallery Tea Room near the harbour for scone and coffee overlooking the Firth of Forth, the Isle of May, Bass Rock and North Berwick Law.
A short stroll around the interesting harbour made sufficient room for our sandwiches. We visited the Crail Pottery where some purchases were made.
We intended to walk from Crail to Anstruther and back. By the time we made Anstruther and had a cup of tea we decided to catch the bus back to Crail!
One of the extras is of the Caves of Caiplie, sea worn caves well above the beach which was a site of early Christian worship until 170. CE. The bedding and colours in the sandstone was beautiful. The other is of Anstruther harbour in the evening light.
We’re now back in Anstruther, I’m in a long line waiting to order their award winning fish and chips, along with most of Fife. We will eat them in the car, as we did last September.
I’m afraid my comments will be limited over the next 10 days as we enjoy our holidays.
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