
We had a game of Pass the Pigs with breakfast today (irony entirely missed at the time), then went out and flew our stunt kite for a bit.  CyclopsJnr was ecstatic to manage a double loop the loop in each direction!

We played Junior Monopoly again before lunch.  Two incredibly quick games were run by CyclopsJnr in about 5 minutes each, then we had an incredibly long game than ran for more than an hour with virtually no progress (the bank ran out of cash) although eventually Cyclops took it.

We walked the long way round to the road end for a change, over the hilltops and past another wee house in the hills, then went and did the walk from Old Dornie to Fox Point (about 2 miles round trip).  We felt we deserved an ice-cream after all this effort.

We finished the day with a final trip to the beach for some abstract excavations with no apparent purpose, before having a late dinner!

CyclopsJnr can usually sniff a camera at 100 metres, but today I managed to get a candid shot without him noticing!  I think he looks like he should be in a catalogue with this lovely natural smile - far better than the forced grimace he offers when he spots the camera!

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