Cycle route

You know when you have an underlying feeling to whatever you're doing, regardless of what that activity actually is? And sometimes you have to stop and think "Why am I feeling that?" It might the pervading gloom arising from an approaching dental appointment, for example.

Or, conversely, it might be the happy thought that you're meeting a couple of friends at the pub at five o'clock, for the first time in, God, at least eighteen months!

That latter happy mood was how I spent my day, but that also required a quick jaunt out at lunchtime to get some steps in. I went down to Underley and took the path back into town. I rarely go along here without remembering when I used to cycle along this path to pick up the papers in the morning at the weekend.

Going to get the papers: now there's a habit that's disappeared from my life.

And it was a lovely evening. The Minx drove up and we had drinks with Cathy and Pete at The King's Arms and The Red Dragon (served by Dan), and then the Minx and I ate at the curry house. Perfect end to the week.

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