This mornings walk was 5 miles

Jumped on a No. 38 bus and went to its terminus at the 'Royal Infirmary' and walked home. We had ever such a nice walk this morning. The sun was shining and the sky was blue and it was lovely and warm so Ann had to take off her fleece.

Has anyone else noticed how cold it is first thing in the mornings now? Ie, about 7.30-8am?

Anyway this is a Blip of me walking through the grounds of Craigmillar Castle. There's lots of trees in the grounds of Craigmillar Castle and guess what lives in trees?.................... Squirrels!!!  Squirrels are my favourite thing to chase but do you know what............... I didn't see one single squirrel in the Craigmillar Woods today. I did however see a squirrel on the grass in front of our block of flats when we returned from our walk. But I was back on my lead by then. Grrrrrr..................

I had lots of off lead run about time on my walk today because we walked through Inch Park, which is a large grassy area, where I did lots of rolling around on my back. And then we walked all the way through the Hermitage of Braid where I did lots of splashing about in the burn.

Ann went off to do a 'Meet & Greet' this afternoon and I had 'home alone snooze' time. Has anyone else noticed how busy the buses are now? They're pretty much back to pre-lockdown times. Ie, we often can't have a whole seat all to ourselves. Oh and about a quarter of the people on the bus this afternoon weren't wearing masks, which are still mandatory in Scotland.

Having said that; I really am the most 'perfect pooch' when I go on a bus. Everyone comments on how well behaved I am. Ann has been taking me on buses since I was about 4 months old, but can anyone remember her stressing about how hyper I was when I went on a bus? I used to want to talk to every single person who got on the bus. In fact sometimes I was so hyper and bouncy that Ann had to pick me up and sit me on her knee and keep tight hold of me to stop me annoying other passengers.

The thing Ann likes best about Blip is.................. she can look back on what she was doing a year ago, 2 years ago, 10 years ago.

And 2 years ago I was a weeny, teeny little puppy who had taken about 6 months to toilet train and still had a lot of things to learn.

Now I am a almost perfect pooch apart from my silly puppy jumping up at people.

We've said it before and we'll say it again.......................... If my human hadn't had me to look after during the last 18 months, she wouldn't even have had a reason to get out of bed every day.

I really am her bestest friend in the world???!!!

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