A new routine

In the past week or so we seem to have settled into a new routine. What happens is............................... As soon as I get up, I go for a little trek around the block (for toileting purposes) and then I come home and have my breakfast. After breakfast we go out for 2-3 hours. Home in time for lunch well Ann has lunch, I usually just eat up my breakfast that I haven't bothered to eat earlier and we watch something on 'Catch up' or 'Netflix'. (Today we watched 'The Impossible' which was all about the 2004 tsunami in South East Asia). Ann goes off to do a 'Meet & Greet' (lots of visitors in Edinburgh at the moment) and I have 'home alone snooze time'. Ann comes home and takes me for another little walk. …................And then we're 'in for the evening'.

Do any other humans feel that it's a massive hassle to go out for the evening after being locked up for 18 months?? Everything just seems to be such an effort. My human has 4 or 5 groups of friends with 4-6 people in each group and pre-Covid she'd probably meet them all about once a month. In Scotland we've been restricted to meeting up with three households indoors since the first lock down which means that everyone has got into a new routine and now can't be bothered to do anything. For example; the first thing Ann does when she comes back from my afternoon walk, is take her bra off. Lol!! Yes, I know.................... that's far too much information, but since 23rd March 2020 she's not been anywhere in the evening so why wouldn't she? And trying to organise 4-6 friends to all meet up at the same time is an impossibility. Normally they'd be out for lunch/dinner, check their diaries and arrange a date for a months time there and then. Now there's messages going back and forth forever.

Oh and just one more teeny, weeny little RANT while my human is busy ranting...................... She's actually managed to book up three lunch dates for a weeks time, BUT why are the restaurants still insisting on two hour slots? All restrictions are supposed to have been lifted??? Two hours may be long enough for lunch but it's certainly not long enough for all the alcohol that my human & her friends will consume after lunch. Lol! Oh well, hey ho, I guess they're just going to have to book another slot elsewhere.

Anyway, this morning I walked for 40 mins down to the West End and then jumped on a No. 37 bus and went to it's terminus at Silverknowles. Walked home which was 4.95 miles and took us an hour and a half.

Instead of walking straight along the 'shared pathways' (in this Blip) Ann decided to walk through Muirhouse (which is one of Edinburgh's more deprived areas) before joining the 'shared pathway' at Craigleith.

…...........It was a bit scary!!! It was eerily quiet as we walked past all the high rise flats and boarded up shops. In fact from the moment we got on the No. 37 bus, Ann was feeling a bit uneasy. The bus was busy so we had to go right to the back seats where there was a drug addict unscrupulous looking individual. He kept asking Ann questions about me. How old was I? What was my name? How much had I cost? What breed was I? Was I a boy or a girl? Ann told him I was a collie and then fortunately someone got off the bus so she moved seats. Phew!!! And then he got off the bus before we did. Phew!!!

Tomorrow we're going to continue on with our 'bus routes project'. We're up to Bus Route 38 which means we'll be going to the terminus at the Royal Infirmary and will walk home via Craigmillar Castle (lots of off lead run about time), Inch Park (lots of off lead run about time) and the Hermitage of Braid (lots of off lead run about time).


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