Exciting delivery!

Well collection actually. After a long wait (we ordered it in June) and a few phone calls to chase, our Canadian canoe arrived today. Jon drove in to Norwich after work to collect it, and we hope to head over to The Broads on Sunday. So that brightened up, quite a stressful work day for all concerned. With only 4 of us in the team today, it is feeling like we are getting further than ever from being a team of people who support each other. The Management Team seem non existent now, and I don't remember what the Pensions Manager looks like, it has been so long since he has made any contact with the staff. I feel totally fed up and frustrated with it today, and just totally overwhelmed and out of my depth with managing. Afer work I drove to the dr to get my new HRT. I'm feeling so many different symptoms that generally mean I feel rubbish all the time, that I went to see the Dr to see if changing it might help. He wasn't that helpful, but in the end I decided it was worth trying something new. Although on the drive back, I did wonder if it is just work stress that makes me feel like it, and wonder what amazing job might be out there, that I could do and enjoy for the last few years of my working life - because 4 more years of this feels unbearable.

Late making our pizza so only just finished it, but it was yummy as ever. Enjoyed my weekly g&t and now going to watch the programme about The Boleyns.

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