But I'm Your Little Glowing Friend
So there I was sitting in the X-ray room, glancing round waiting for the X-ray person coming back.
I'd already been measured - I stretched and managed to gain half an inch in height :-)
I'd had my fingers pulled and squeezed, and the ever-so-clever doctor was able to tell from my squeezing ability that I was right handed.
I had my legs pulled and stretched, and my hips tweaked, and my spine tingled.
I had blood taken and more mess made of me with the sticky tape than the needle.
And then I came here. As I glanced around to occupy myself, I spotted this on the wall. "Gonads". The word just creased me up. I realised nurse-type person was gone, and I looked around for my bag, so I grabbed my bag off the chair, raked for my camera and snapped a picture, giggling away to myself as I did so.
Then sat back, looking perfectly composed and behaved.
Then a nursy-type person came in and started speaking, but I realised that she wasn't speaking to me; and as I turned around I spotted behind what I thought was a wall, but was only a partition, a woman laying on her stomach grinning at me from her vantage point behind me.
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