Rochdale Canal

Following on from yesterday's post, here you get another glimpse of the mishmash of architectural styles, which I guess is a feature of most large cities. I don't know much about architecture, but I assume the mix of styles would have been less of a feature if you were to go back prior to the second world war.

One of the other things I like about Manchester is the way the canals and rivers carve up the city, which I prefer one hundred percent over London, where rivers such as the Fleet were simply covered over, even if the canals do remain.

We met up with Hannah, this morning, to join her for lunch. On her recommendation, we ate at the Ancoats General Store, where, on certain days of the week, they serve 'hoagies'. There's only one table in there, which we were lucky enough to get, and the food was as good as Hannah had said.

Charlie joined us as we were finishing and the four of us took a postprandial stroll around Ancoats, which was very pleasant.

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