
I was mucking around with an image from my recent Shetland holiday the other night, namely one of the lighthouse at Sumburgh Head. Then started thinking of the 2020 film 'The Lighthouse' which I loved, and mocked up some teaser posters for it, imagining what I'd do if I still worked at The Cameo and the film was about to come out. Anyway, I posted these imaginary posters elsewhere and my Shetland pal saw them and messaged me with a link to an interview with the film's sound designer - did I know that the foghorn featured repeatedly throughout the film is actually the foghorn from Shetland's Sumburgh lighthouse? What a coincidence. She then completely floored by telling me that she actually works these days with the Shetland fella who was the foghorn consultant/expert for the film and is a bit of a legend in that field. Niche perhaps, but I was impressed.

Mucking around further tonight with colour variations of the print. Framed them up but that print in that frame on that wall just doesn't do it for me. File under 'work in progress'.

Sea Power

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