The morning light was beautiful as we walked over to Js this morning. So much so that I couldn't resist a few photos in the egg, even if they were just phone snaps.

Teddy (pup) had been very excited to see his pixie apparently, Alex told us as he left for morning golf that he was up and waiting. Katie of course immediately obliged him.

We had a gorgeous gentle morning of all our usual "last morning with J" tasks; photos, snuggles, cashmere, an extremely long swim, wandering round finding all Katie's belongings, the joy-filled guest book, card games at the table, a beautiful meal of local produce.... Many, many cuddles.

By 12.30 we needed to set off. Katie insisted she wasn't tired but was asleep within about 20 minutes and slept for close to two hours, including through a petrol stop. She had a really early tea when we stopped at Peterborough and then we managed to plough on home. She was delighted to wander round and say hello to her things, her room, her friends and of course her bunny. 

The journey wiped me out rather and despite her long sleep, Katie had a lot of sleep to catch up on so by 7.30pm she was tucked up in bed. Time for a bit of snuggly reading before a fairly early night. However, it's now 7.30am on Wednesday morning and she is yet to surface. She either is super catching up or in fact read well beyond 8pm!

(extra today of pixie and her J) 

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