Mission Accomplished.

Katie wanted to go to the shell at Aldeburgh today. She wanted to swim in the pool. She achieved both of those and even a double dose of swimming! We walked Teddy. We munched lots of wild blackberries. A lie down for mummy. We had a gorgeous gentle walk on Aldeburgh beach and nipped into town to get some bits and to buy Katie ice cream (kid cone because it was a monkey!). Huge rain storm just as we approached the end of our car. Katie stripped down to her swimmers.... Leading to Swim number two as soon as we got back! Then another lie down for mummy while Katie did some Ferdy with Juliana. A lovely dinner during which Katie ate a huge pile of chicken then a really nice time all playing cards the four of us. She's fallen asleep beside me, listening to Harry Potter. 

A couple of extras today. 

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