When you're sowing the seeds of love

Feel quite smug about myself today. 

Got up, went to work (in the office) (Boak). 

Came home, had dinner. 

THEN I WENT TO THE ALLOTMENT BY MYSELF, at 7PM.  And weeded two beds and one path. 

Si has a very sore hand - tendonitis of the thumb; and at the weekend we did the bare minimum at the allotment on Sunday PM.   I was totally mortified walking away from the plot - it was starting to look like one of those abandoned ones.  Weeds everywhere. Overgrown paths. 

I was really stupid though - I put one glove on the wrong hand, the wrong way round, (so it fitted), and thought I had brought a non-matching pair. (I have emergency backup gloves because I always lose them. 

I thought I had nothing for it, but to wear the other glove awkwardly - thumb in little finger... and it was only when I reached for nettle and stung my hand, that I realized that I had put the first one on the soft side in, instead of leather side in. 

Sorted them, and got to it.  Some of those nettles were a nightmare. 

I felt all night like I had an itchy glove on my right hand. 

Still I got up, and I moved, and I achieved. 

That's better than sitting in front of the telly all night.  Isn't it? 

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