
Today's the day ....................... for a huggle

Very heavy rain this morning which meant we were confined to quarters - 'we' being Tessa and Josie who were on a sleepover - and the two of us.

Eventually, there was a break in the weather and we managed to get out for a walk along the river, to release some of that pent up energy.  The above makes it look as if the two sisters were the best of friends.  But all I can say is that looks can be deceiving - it was more like a lull in the hostilities?!

Which made me think how hard it must have been for many families during the various lockdowns when they had no choice but to spend all day in each other's company.  Even worse when space was limited and there was nowhere to escape to.  School holidays can sometimes be a bit of an ordeal for parents - and this was a never-ending school holiday.

Thank goodness that things seem to be on the up and up now ................


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