Walter and I
I thought long and hard about this image, should I. Or shouldn't I...
I was going to call it 'Brave The Shave', but Walter needs to stand up and be counted. Nearly three years ago I had some pretty serious surgery resulting in me being blessed with Walter. Otherwise known as a stoma.
Stoma:: anciently known as an opening to numerous organs in the body, most commonly the stomach (Its all Greek to me)
Cut a long story (and my bowel) short I have a colostomy bag. As seen in this glorious technicolour photo. I decided to blip this for two reasons. Today was the chosen day for my monthly stoma shave. I have to ensure a clean area around the opening to facillitate a good adhesion of the one piece bags that need changing regularly. So it gets shaved. A tricky operation. Must not get too close.... bad news that would be.
I decided to use this image for the Introduce Yourself Challenge, as I don't go for selfies as a rule, but felt this was pertinent to me and my journal for today. The scar has healed well and I lead a normal (Ha! ) active life. I want for nothing and the small scar on the top left hand side of my chest is the only indication of my own little black box (ICD) so even if I have a cardiac arrest I get my own defribulations, and congratulations. I want the world to know I'm happy as can be...
I truly hope none of this is contentious or offensive. Not my style, but I just wanted to get it out there. Be honest, I can take it.
My wife is on a much needed break in Wales. She called to say she is well, and getting drunk on some strange green spirit which was banned in America. She complains of flatulence and she misses me.
Ha! I politely tell her... ...Absinthe makes the farts grow stronger....
Have a happy weekend and stay as safe as you can be in this crazy mixed up world..
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