Hamnavoe, Stromness

Like many establishments, the Hamnavoe restaurant has been closed for some time.   It just wasn’t feasible for them to strip out a couple of tables during the pandemic as it held so few anyway.  Everyone hopes it clings on and bounces back as it produces such very high quality food at an affordable price.  It’s a big miss.  As Hattie Jacques used to be.

Sandy phoned from Kintore today.  His current wife (Elma) wished the Current Mrs Creel the best of anniversary wishes.  Sandy and Elma celebrated their Golden a few weeks past.  I think Sandy was my page boy.  I know just before I was married, we’d been in the Runway Inn (Dyce) and the bobbies stopped and spoke to us as we walked through Dyce at 01.00hrs.  I was carrying an ironing board and Sandy a pressure cooker.

When waking any given day it takes a peedie while for me to come at; I have to work out who I am, who I’m with, what hemisphere I’m in etc.  However things were even more confused this morning as CMC gave me a bottle of whisky in bed!!!  A first ever.  I think it is for good behaviour.

Orla Guerin is 55.

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