A wasted day

We're back into our routine of doing nothing?!! I went on a two hour walk this morning. This is a Blip of me swimming in the 'Waters of Leith'. We know it's a rubbish photo but unfortunately it's all we've got for you today because Ann couldn't be bothered to take any more photos.

In fact she couldn't be bothered to do anything today. We might be heading towards 'freedom day' on Monday yes we know England will have been 'free' for three weeks by then but is anything actually going to change? COVID is not going to go away so we're all just going to have to learn to live with it.

So many businesses have changed their way of working that life is NEVER, EVER, going to go back to how it was before the 23rd March 2020. For example; does anyone else find it really annoying to go into a pub/restaurant and be told to order via the app? Errr no, my human doesn't do ordering via the app. Part of the enjoyment of going out for a meal is perusing the menu and deciding what to eat, not strolling through a list of things on a tiny screen!!!

Oh and while my human is having a RANT about restaurants................... she's off to Glasgow for a couple of nights next week and the hotel have already emailed her friend (who made the booking) to ask what time they want breakfast. Something to do with the number of people they can have in the restaurant at the one time, but as they will be there after 'freedom' day, surely that shouldn't be an issue?

Obviously Ann agrees with keeping people as safe as possible, but she finds it extremely irritating that the media are calling Monday 'freedom day'. There's nothing freedom about it!!!

…...................And just a word of warning for all you English Blippers who are thinking of coming to Scotland. ….................Masks are still going to be mandatory indoors and on public transport for the foreseeable future here. Ann did a 'Meet & Greet' the other day and by the time she'd climbed up 86 steps to a top floor flat yes she did count them she could hardly breathe, let alone talk to the visitors so she asked them if they minded if she removed her mask (they weren't wearing one). Visitors had absolutely no idea that the rules in Scotland were different from England and said they'd binned all their masks on 19th July???!!!

Anyway that's probably enough ranting for one day.

We spent the afternoon catching up on 'Coronation Street' & snoozing. I had 'home alone' time while Ann picked up an order from M&S for her friend and then delivered it to her before going to Aldi and then I went out for another little walk. Hardly the most exciting of days..................

Freedom day???? It's going to be a long, long, time before any of us are FREE again, if ever.

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