More rain??!!

Ann HATES rain! She's quite happy to walk me in all weathers..................... Except for rain. Walking me in the rain makes her grumpy.

First thing this morning I trekked around the streets on my lead for about 45 mins and then on the way home I got tied up outside Waitrose because there were no queues and Ann wanted a loaf of bread. The man controlling the lack of queues was obviously a bit bored so he said he'd keep an eye on me. I really liked him because he fed me lots of treats. Does anyone else keep meeting old men who have pocketfuls of dog treats even though they don't have a dog???? He thought I was the nicest little collie pup ever.

At about 11am I went for a 2 hour walk through the Hermitage of Braid and the fields because Ann's weather app was showing rain for the afternoon and walking in the rain makes her grumpy! We met two lots of professional dog walkers who each had 10-12 dogs with them. Dogs that are with professional dog walkers never want to play with me. It's like there's this unwritten rule that says they have to stay with their own pack and don't allow any outsiders to join in. I didn't care. I had a good run about with a little spaniel and then I just played by myself.

Got home to the news that Aberdeen is back in lock down. Grrrrrrrrrr................... Ann's friends, Fiona & Jim, were supposed to be coming down from Aberdeen on Friday so that they could take Fiona's mum (Mrs R) back with them for a few weeks. They were all going to come round here for dinner on Friday night. Obviously that is no longer happening. Grrrrrrrrr........................

This lock down thing is still really difficult. Ann's always liked living by herself and before lock down she never even thought about how much human interaction she had, but now she thinks about it all the time. She's trying to see at least one friend every day. Mmmmmmmm......................... that's not working then. We haven't seen any friends since Sunday.

Anyway I got left 'home alone' while Ann went off to do a bit of shopping for herself and Mrs R. And then she walked to the Post Office in the rain. The PO staff were very, very, unhelpful. Ann is so angry with them that she can't even be bothered to RANT! I had a little walk around the block in the pouring rain and when we got home Ann was so wet she had to take all her clothes off. I know, I know. That's far too much information. Lol!

Staying in for the rest of the evening.

PS – Is anyone else going to watch, 'Lose a stone in 3 weeks' tonight? Ann hasn't lost or gained any weight during lock down, but seriously................... Ann's project for February was; 'lose half a stone in a month'. And that didn't work??!! Lose a stone in 3 weeks???? Mmmmmm................... Think that's highly unlikely unless one gives up wine and only lives on lettuce leaves & celery sticks for 3 weeks. Lol!!!

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