Annual Family photoshoot

We had two visitors today, one more welcome than the other. Dennis came up from Ipswich for lunch in his 2CV and to do the annual family photo shoot. (This year he wasn’t able to come to Rothbury when the family was around as he had to fit in his visit with chemotherapy for his bladder cancer). I don’t know where the caterpillar came from that was creeping up my sunglasses string but Nathaniel brought a leaf and removed it further down the garden.

I made Salad Nicoise, potatoes, Cole slaw and some roast red onions and aubergines and we had some juicy nectarines for pudding. “That’s not pudding!” was the cry from the daughters when children. “That’s fruit”. It was all eaten - I’m not sure I’m in the zone for correct portion sizes for 11 people.

The lads took the children to the park though they had planned an obstacle course with challenges and Ella had done a map with drawings of what had to be done when.

I think the weather might be changing as it has got cooler and more overcast.

I’ve noticed the children are catching up with us in height. Ella organised them in age order. From the left, James (6) Nathaniel (7) Thomas (8) and Ella (9). James and Thomas are tall for their age. Their dad is the tallest at 6ft 7in. Luke on the right is 6ft.

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