
By Mindseye

Just another day

......thats what I tell myself, especially on any significant dates, like 4 months today :-/
Find myself listening to this a lot

Kept myself veey busy today.....decorators here just before 8, sliced onions on saucers all round today, to soak up the satinwood fumes!
Definitely works!!!

Got out for a couple of hours a longish walk ended ip in town, needed a couple of things, then. a chill for half an hour in Costa, flat white & a bacon roll, late. runch, early lunch. Walked back home, im liking the colors ive chosen, theres always that bit of worry until you see them on the walls!

Next job was to mow the front and back lawns....forecast is for rain towards teatime.
Its a bit of a faff when I need to use the bathroom or want to get change, as every door has had their handles removed for painting, so its a case of finding which loo is furthest away from where they are working lol!
Its been lovely &'sunny so far, got changed,into shorts & tee, back done, front done, shaped the cottinus and cotoneaster in the front, as they e gone mad and were overhanging the drive.....green bin almost full, trug full of cuttings in the garage now too! Sat down for 10 minutes, had an ice lolly to cool off a bit.
Lots more tidying deading & watering, was soon 5!! Took a few garden shots, liked the snemones and crcosmia mix the best....that pesky weed has gone btw lol!!

Spent an hour or so sorting myself out, another shower, hairwash etc. got changed into a dress, made myself a quick dinner of griddle seabass, new potatoes and salad, then I was off round nextdoors.

D&E had invited me round for a drink and a catch up.....which was really nice. We sat in their conservatory and the heavens opened, it went really black, a few rumbles of thunder too. We looked at photos, talked about hub a lot, as usual, it is getting a little bit easier to talk about him without getting upset all the time.

Came home, almost 11.30....... almost fell into bed, 19,500 steps today ;-)

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