Baby How You Feeling

And it was this day.

We’ve all cracked a little over the last couple of days but in the most held it together. We’ve all got slowly quieter and pulled together with the packing.

The drive through to Edinburgh has never been quieter.

This is they, stood in the check in queue waiting to see if there was going to be another charge for the overage on the luggage. …. But not. Which was amazing.

Once that is done …. There’s nothing left but to walk to the departure gate. Nothing is open; no time for coffee Or cake…

You’d think that after all these going aways of her and Boy I’d be used to It by now… but not.

She went; I went and us going sets Si off. So we stood and hugged… bloody masks and off my baby went on her new adventure.

And me and Si went off for an
Afternoon in Edinburgh.

Job done

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