
By Mindseye

Fluffy head

The drive back home wasnt too bad, made it in 3.5 hours, much better than the drive down.
Unpacked, a quick brew, then bed, alarm set for 7am!

Didnt sleep,very well, kept waking up, awake before the alarm went off, was showered by the time the radio came on. Hair done, dressed, striped my bed, moved the things I will need whilst residin in the other bedroom, then emptied my room of its pictures, bits and bobs, tv, lamps etc. themdecorators were here bang on 8! eighbour D popped round with my. ilk & eggs which they kindly took in for me, and later neighbour L popped round with two parcels that they had taken in for me too.....where would we be without good neighbours eh?!!

Ive had a busy day, two lots of laundry done, pegged out, dried, folded and put into the ironing basket for a rainy day lol! Sorted the garden out, a lot of plants needed dead heading after all the rain, swept all the paths and patios, used the wire brush to get the weeds out from between the flags, fed & watered the baskets and containers. Cut back another wilting clematis! Luckily the seedheads on my Princess Diana clematis are still in tact, even if the leaves are all curled and brown. I will have to cut them righht back soon and just hope they survive!

Went to do a full store cupboard & fredh produce shop at Lidl, first time for six months lol! Called into town, got myself a chicken salad box for my lunch, called into costa, for a take out,cappuccino, made me sad, as its the first one ive bought as a take out, since hub passed away....we had them every day during that four months, it was his treat :-/

Got back home, must enough time to eat my lunch, put the shopping away before the finance guy called round for a chat.

The decorators are getting on really well, I like how the colour of the paint looks on the walls in the hall and "our" bedroom.

My friend messaged late afternoon to say that her long time partner, who had been going through his cancer treatment at the same time as hub, they had there chemo at the same time, their scans at the same time, S was diagnosed a year ago, with prostate cancer, today he got the All clear.....so pleased for them. It did make me cry though.......just thought "why couldnt my hub have made it"..... you know :-(

Gave myself a talking to, then went outside to do a bit more, before making my dinner...... gammon & fresh pineapple, tomatoes, asparagus and a little jacket potato, enjoyed it.

Have caught up on the Olympics tonight..... and Long Lost Family. Time for bed now, otherwise Ill not be up in time for the decorators ;-)

Night all, stay safe ........4 months tomorrow :-(

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