
Tuesday 3rd August 2021

We ran our first "Coffee Cake and Conversation with the Clergy" session today. We're inviting a mix of the congregation, some who have returned to physical worship in church and some who haven't, to come for a 1hr session. We're limiting numbers to sixteen. The idea is to start to get people meeting again and feeling a bit more comfortable in an environment that is well spaced out and not overwhelming with too many people. We had four tables and four clergy so the groups were small and we were able to do a gentle bit of encouraging people to share how they had been feeling, although conversations were also wide ranging. It's going to be a rolling programme of sessions, with different people invited each time. 

The photo is the peace lily in my conservatory which has decided to flower despite me nearly killing it the other week when it got too hot and I didn't water it enough. Very forgiving, living up to its name.

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