White oriental lilies

A morning at summer school, delighted to be in a learning environment lead by the children. One child lost a tooth at snack time… so we wrote to the tooth fairy, their imaginations are wild.

Now waiting for the new sofa to arrive!!
Lilies came from the foodhub, incase you’re wondering who has been buying me flowers. To be honest, cut flowers are not my thing, much prefer a shrub which is longer lasting, and more environmentally friendly, but these were going in the bin if I didn’t take them, so they will grace the kitchen for a day or two

See extra for new sofa in situ.
The legs had 3 screws, and are angled, so 3 ways to fit them. I got 3 of the 4 right first time, then put the last leg on 4 times before I got it right, yes… twice in one of the wrong positions.

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