
By H22

Place: St Pete, FL 81/90
Main activity: Sun - bike ride, CC meetup
Notes: Woke 555a - love that! Headed out early on bike, dawn but before sunrise. At 630a, phone said 83 deg, feels like 92 (yes, before sunrise). Good solid 15 miles that felt decent after the really awful week of physical detoxing, releasing, healing. Got some breakfast things ready before shower and suddenly, all power went out. Shortly after, some things came back on but all living room out as well as kitchen stove and lights, Microwave, toaster oven and hanging bar lights worked. Fuse box showed no tripped circuits but tried them anyway. Texted owner Marie and she called and then talked to her friend in the high rise here ... who said the same thing - all went out and then part came back. Took shower, and the rest came back on just as I was getting ready to figure out how to make what I needed. Hoping it was a switchover to Tesla or something amazing. Left around 1215p then for Safety Harbor and met about 15 other women from the Connecting Consciousness group at Karma for lunch. Was nice to be around like-minded people! Back 315p-ish, another shower (Karma was open-air seating) and relaxed for the night.

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