
By Mindseye

Master & Miss Taylor

Firstly thanks so much for all the comments & love on my blip anniversary yesterday. Have to be honest, I didnt even realise it was an anniversary blip :-/

Slept reasonably well......awake pretty early, but dozed off again, up before 8.30 though.

Me & sis in law walked up for a paper, then back the long way, breakfast was bran flakes and fruit......before their youngest son, Barry called round with his two, Cameron & Lucy, who you can see her , mum Emma was working this morning. You can see Lucy modelling some dressing up "Pat Butcher" like earrings lol ;-))) They are both lovely kids.

After they had gone, we had an egg & bacon sandwich for lunch, than sat around watching the Olympics,which was very entertaining, we are doing well overall.

A couple of pre dinner G&Ts went down very well.....weve talked about hub a lot, on and off today, mostly ok :-/

Had a lovely roast beef and yorkshire pudd dinner this evening......a very lazy day today.
Some very heavy showers today, so we chose a good day to stay home.

A trip into Southampton is on the cards all being well tomorrow.

Happy new week everyone.

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