
Sunday 1st August 2021

A long morning with two baptism services. I didn't get home until after 2pm and then needed to eat. Needless to say, once I sat down I didn't want to get on with anything else. I had intended going for a swim but found it difficult to motivate myself. I actual decided I felt like tackling the garden so I got on with that instead. 

2.5hrs later I stopped but only because I had run out of green bin space. I am working around the outside of the house at the moment as it has all become a bit overgrown and sticks out over the path. I thought my neighbours might start complaining. My next door neighbour saw me as I was just filling my first bin and offered the use of his. He left it for me as he was going out. I managed to fill my second and decided to take up his offer, so continued and filled his about three quarters full, leaving him just enough room for grass cuttings as requested. I've cut loads back. In the process I revealed these lovely flowers which had been a bit swamped with the tree above.  

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