A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Chameleons at home

Went shopping for a random list of goods with Beloved.

First stop was Pets at Home to get budgie 'spares' Looked everywhere, thought they were bound to be near wild bird food. Had to ask! No! they were upstairs in aquatics. 5 million years ago I may have understood the connection but....

Anyway this is a chameleon - he was in the budgie section.

Then off to office supplies for name badges for a BeeKeeping Convention that Beloved is part of. I have spent all my time since getting home printing out name badges. I am looking forward to getting back to work!

The past few days has seen a constant stream of honeybeefriendly people at the door!

I think I deserve a bottle of red!

What do you deserve today! I hope you've had a happy one.

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