Another macro (Day 2276)

I zoomed to town this morning with a list of things to do at the bathroom re-fit. I really wasn't sure whether I would get it finished today or not. 
When I tried to fit the basin and pre-cut worktop to the units, I realised that the WC unit was in the wrong place and needed to be moved by about an inch, and I needed to trim the worktop a bit. I was pretty sure that my plan to finish today was scuppered. 
Surprisingly, the units went together really easily, and fitting the shower was ridiculously straightforward meaning I finished it today. The customer arrived home as I was putting the last of my stuff in the van. He seems really pleased, and it is a definite improvement on the lino clad wetroom I ripped out. 
Such a good feeling having finished the bathroom in 5 days and to have customers who are really pleased with the work I have done.
Back home for a weekend off with  my beautiful wife.
(Extra of the bathroom added)

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